Is Your God Cheap or Infinite?
There are certainly times that we shrink the greatness of God, we must be careful that we don't bow to reductionism. That is not to say we can't use anthrophormorphic(human terms that describe an indescribable God) terms, because that's the best we can do with our limited vocabulary. However don't reduce God to a genie in the bottle.
"God, to be God, must be infinite in all he is. He must have no bound and no limit, no stopping place, no point Beyond which he can't go. When you think of God or anything about God you'll have to think infinitely about God. You may have a charlie horse in your head for two weeks after trying to follow this, but it's a mighty good cure for this little cheap god we have today. This little cheap god we've made up is one you can pal around with-"the Man upstairs," the fellow who helps you win baseball games. That god isn't the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He isn't the God who laid the foundations of the Heaven and the Earth; he's some other god." AW TOZER
Now to the King of the ages [eternal], immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 1 TIMOTHY 1:17
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