Everyone is clamouring for the answer to the proverbial question...WHY? In the midst of it all there are families, communities and even our nation mourning and grieving. The crisis goes much deeper than what we see on the surface.
We don't have just a killing crisis, just a abortion crisis, just a school shooting crisis, just a pornography crisis, just a violent movie, music and video game crisis, just a sexual harassment crisis, nor just a drunk driving crisis...we have a moral and spiritual crisis! All of those things are simple symptoms of a far greater problem. Not a single school shooter grew up in a stable, loving, Godly home, where he(notice I said he because we have a man crisis as well, shooters are male) was taught and where he adhered to Godly principles including the gospel that changes the heart and in turn changes action. What if more friends at school, more neighbors or more concerned parents had been concerned about Nikolas Cruz spiritual condition? What about all the Nikolas Cruz's that live around us, are we concerned about what matters most? It's not politically correct to talk about the transformative work of the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ that will take a depraved, sinful heart and life and make it brand new, giving that life new values, including valuing others lives.
Am I saying we shouldn't have active shooter training, or metal detectors or armed guards at school or examine our current laws? No! But the laws already on the books aren't obeyed so, more laws aren't the answer. We really need tort reform. We need judges and a criminal justice system that will quit slapping criminals on the wrist and instead give them tough sentences rather than a motel suite with better conditions than at home. We also need dad's and mom's to get their rearends up off the couch and their noses out of their phones and spend time with their children and teach them like Deuteronomy 6:5-9 says.
I am nearly 57 years old, I grew up in an era when high school boys brought their guns to school in the back window of their pick up truck. When I was in school we honored God, country the Bible and human life every day before school started by prayer, pledge and reading the Bible....in public school. The per capita gun ownership when I was a boy is far higher than what it is now. Look at the stats, 90% of the killing in school shootings have taken place post 1960. What happened at that time in American history that changed the mindset of our country? We took the Bible, prayer and the 10 commandments out of the public arena that at least taught a moral baseline. Honestly I am more appalled at the fact that over 10,000 people in 2016 were killed by drunk drivers....why isn't this generation crying for prohibition? Where was the outcry over Kermit Gossell? "Gosnell...America's Most Prolific Serial Killer." The book and story detail a horrific abortion mill that butchered babies born alive. The crisis we face today runs beyond the school house and has engulfed our entire culture. Let's cry out to God, not government for mercy, help and wisdom.
Monday, February 19, 2018
A National Disaster Response
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