Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Black Robe Regement

Black Robe Regiment Pledge!

I believe that the overall condition of the nation is a direct reflection of the overall condition of God's people, and I accept that the pulpit is most responsible for the overall moral strength or decadence of the country.

I believe that God's inspired Word equips us for everyissue that arises in life, including not only spiritual but also temporal ones (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:3).

I believe that it is the duty of God's ministers to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) on every issue, whether spiritual or temporal, and I will not let the fear of man (Psalms 118:6, Proverbs 29:25), the fear of government (Acts 4:18-31, Matthew 10:28), or the fear of possibly offending someone (Matthew 15:12-13) keep me from boldly proclaiming God's position on every issue of the day (Jeremiah 1:10, 6:27).


  • I will uphold the Great Commission's mandate to teacheverything He has said (Matthew 28:18-20), including not only those things related to our eternal relationship with God but also all other things, whether cultural, educational, economic, moral, or political.
  • In boldly addressing all these issues (Hebrews 10:38, Proverbs 28:1), I will not be intimidated by the criticism, anger, or ridicule of opponents (Jeremiah 1:17-19, 1 Peter 5:8), and I will even take contemporary items from the news so as to teach God's people His perspective on those issues.
  • I will bring to light the hidden things of darkness (1 Corinthians 4:15) and speak out loudly whenever I see something that endangers God's people, whether the danger is spiritual or temporal, long term or short term (Ezekiel 33:7, Isaiah 56:10).

I commit myself to being a clear voice for God on allissues and will shepherd His flock on those issues, striving to follow the footsteps of my distinguished predecessors (the fearless Black Robed Regiment - so named by the British for the black clerical robes that ministers traditionally wore), whom distinguished Bishop and church historian Charles Galloway described in these words:

"Mighty men they were, of iron nerve and strong hand and unblanched cheek and heart of flame. God needed not reeds shaken by the wind, nor men clothed in soft raiment [Matthew 11:7-8], but heroes of hardihood and lofty courage. . . . And such were the sons of the mighty who responded to the Divine call."

In short, I pledge myself to be a faithful and courageous member of the new Black Robe Regiment. I will fearlessly proclaim God's perspective on all issues, whether spiritual or temporal, and extend the knowledge and application of His principles not only throughout my church but also across my community.

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1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent reading. Being a parent who has put my child through Christian Schooling and Public Schooling, I am for teaching the Bible in public schools.

    Personally, I feel that a good solid Christian foundation within the home as well as church teaches our children what is needed. However, in this day and age with the political awareness, crime, parents struggling to make ends meet by working odd hours, and drug abuse, I strongly believe teaching of the Bible at school shall help a child learn to be accountable for practicing head knowledge in friendships, relationships with parents, relationship with Christ, and correct decision making with daily life choices. Clergymen could volunteer to teach the elective sessions.

    Besides...Our children are Our leaders of Our futures.

    As stated, this is my own personal opinion.
    Michelle Weaver
