Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Commander In Chief

Commander In Chief
We may not be electing a "Pastor in Chief" as I have heard many say however it would be incredibly refreshing and an enormous blessing to our nation if the first order of business by the next President was to put our national "spiritual house" in order.   Our founding fathers gave thier lives and fortunes to secure our rights and benefits that have been thrown to the wind for far to many years beginning from the highest office in the land even down to the pulpits of America.  Maybe it's time to take a lesson from Hezekiah. 
In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord [which his father had closed] and repaired them. And said to them, Levites, hear me! Now sanctify (purify and make free from sin) yourselves and the house of the Lord, the God of your fathers, and carry out the filth from the Holy Place. Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the Lord, the God of Israel, that His fierce anger may turn away from us.
2 Chronicles 29:3, 5, 10

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